Our philosophy, to offer you a specific metrology for your needs and based on research. NeoTIM, your thermal measurement solutions.

Neotim today markets a device for characterizing the conductivity and thermal resistivity of unbound materials called CPAC This device uses the hot wire method to measure thermal conductivity

The hot wire technique is the classical transient method of measuring the thermal conductivity of insulating materials.
Our device consists of a needle-shaped thermal shock probe, to be inserted into the material to be characterized, an acquisition electronics and a graphical interface software to control the tests and process the results.
This device is derived from ASTM D5930-97 (Standard Test Method for the Thermal Conducitivity of Plastics by Means of a Transient Line Source Technique), D 5334-00, D 5930-97, D 7896 and IEEE 442-1981.